If you wish to purchase further titles already reviewed here, please return each time to SBB. Using the direct links available at our site is easier than searching by title, author, or ISBN number. EDITORIAL INFORMATION Mississippi entered the space age in the early 1960s when NASA announced plans to place its test facilities for the Saturn V Moon rocket in the southern part of the state. Less than eight years later, American astronauts walked on the lunar surface, safely transported hundreds of thousands of miles from Earth by a space vehicle equipped with first and second stages tested and proven flightworthy at the John C. Stennis Space Center. The facility, located in Hancock County, Mississippi, is NASA's lead center for rocket propulsion testing and for commercial remote sensing within the Mission to Planet Earth Enterprise. This history is one of several prepared in the NASA History Series telling the story of NASA centers and facilities. Mack R. Herring was one of the first employees of the Stennis Space center and for many years served as the public affairs officer. (Extracted from the dust jacket.) GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS
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