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About us
The registered trademarks NCYT (Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnología) and Amazings (Amazings.com / Amazings.info / Amazings.org / Noticiasdelaciencia.com / Ncyt.es and other webs) Among the media dealing with scientific popularization in Spanish, exclusively online, which have been continuing to be active up till now in an uninterrupted way, besides being the most widespread one, NCYT (Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, also known as Amazings and as NC&T) is the first of its kind ever to appear on the internet. It did so in Amazings.com in 1997. Many people feel intrigued about the meaning of "Amazings", given the fact that as such, this word does not exist, and they also wonder what its relationship with science is and why someone should choose "Amazings" as the name of a magazine dealing with science. The explanation for this is as follows: When in 1996, we, the founders of NCYT (the Spanish writers Manuel Montes and Jorge M. Colome) created the domain Amazings.com, we did so in order that it may serve our first magazine here, Amazing Sounds, written both in Spanish and English, and aimed at the avant-garde, alternative music. We found the domain amazingsounds too long, and amazing turned out to be more suitable, but it was already taken (by a web with a different subject, other than music and science,) and we finally chose amazings (The first word of Amazing Sounds plus the first letter of the second word). In 1997, we moved a part of the scientific popularization articles we had written in web format which we had already started on another domain in 1995, to this same domain (shortly after the final, definite addition of the HTML format to the internet) and we began to create and publish articles on news of the space sciences, which in early 1998 we extended to include general science and technology. We soon gained widespread popularity all over Latin America (today we get thousands of visits in our pages, and our bulletin has over 55,000 subscriptions), and we got to get the collaboration of numerous friends both sides of the Atlantic. Instead of creating different domains, one for each magazine, we decided to keep them all together under the same domain, Amazings.com. As time went by, our e-zine NCYT became the most popular of all those we had started in Amazings.com. This fact, together with the name “News on Science and Technology” being too long, and the acronym NCYT also being still a bit ambiguous, made most people refer to us as "Amazings", which was a much shorter, easier name to recognise and manage. This fashion prevailed so much that it came a point when Amazings became a synonym for scientific popularization for many people. As a pioneering web of scientific popularization in Spanish, our help was asked for in order to support similar projects, and so for instance, we started the science channel of the international web for portals of Terra in 1999, as providers of the firm Brainstorm, which took care of the web design, and during almost five years we were contributing most of the contents for the science channel. With this and other similar initiatives, NCYT also became, from the year 2001 on, a regular provider of scientific contents for other webs, as well as for publishers of paper magazines, paper newspapers, intranets and two important publishing groups. Some of our clients have been so for over ten years. Due to this aspect of NCYT, we contribute many articles to some well known science websites. For instance, since 2005, we have been publishing about thirty articles weekly in Solociencia.com. On the other hand, some of the articles of NCYT are also broadcast by means of spoken word on radio programmes such as La Biblioteca de Alejandría (The Alexandria Library, with Juan Acosta, Iván Blanquer, Carlos Cruells and Jaime Cuevas) and Vanguardia de la Ciencia (Frontline of Science, by Ángel Rodríguez Lozano). We also are proud to have contributed our articles, by means of contracts for the supply of contents, to sections of science news for websites or paper magazines from scientific organizations such as Andalucía Investiga - Andalucia Researches - (from Spain), Fundacyt (Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, - Foundation for Science and Technology - from Ecuador), and the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, - Superior Council Of Scientific Research -) in Spain, among other institutions. The activity of NCYT is also taken into account by some organizations in the diplomatic arena. Since January 2002, NCYT is used as a source for some of the articles on science and technology written in French by the services in Science and Technology of the Embassies of France all over the World, a network from the French Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs. Another example is the News Service of the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations of Mexico, which publishes some of our articles. From 2002 to 2006 we were quite active in the United States, where NCYT contributed contents for a portal, a web, a paper magazine and a paper newspaper, in Spanish, aimed at the Spanish community in this country. In actual fact, our mother website Amazings.com appears as cited in over 500 scientific articles of the prestigious news agency United Press International, founded in 1907, and based in the United States. On the other hand, several paper publications and websites have talked about us in and outside of Spain, and we even have had impersonators who have taken our name Amazings to popularize science. In 2007 we started to collaborate, for free, with an innovative supplement in Braille, which has over 70,000 issues in each edition, and which complements four paper newspapers. In this supplement one same surface is used to print text and image besides superimposing Braille characters. The supplement, which is called ConTacto (ConTact), was created by Daniel Serbali, and we have contributed over 120 articles. ConTacto started in Argentina, but now the possibility that it can be spread to some other countries in Latin America is being considered. In Argentina, ConTacto has had a very good success, up to the point of having been declared of cultural interest by the Cámara de Diputados de Argentina (Deputy Chamber of Argentina). Besides our collaboration, the issue of reading in Braille is important to us, since one of our main collaborators to produce NCYT is a blind person. Some of our articles are also freely given for publication in webs of the following institutions: -Fundación para la Curación de las Lesiones Medulares (Fenexy) (Foundation for the Healing of Medular Lesions), from Spain -Asociación Antidroga Vieiro - Anti-drug Association Vieiro - (Declared as being of social interest for the Autonomous Community of Galicia, Spain, with regard to drug-addiction issues) -Asociación de Alcohólicos Rehabilitados de Cádiz (ARCA)- (Association of Rehabilitated Alcohol Addicts), in Spain. -Sociedad Española de Especialistas en Tabaquismo (SEDET)(Spanish Society of Specialists in Tobacco Addiction), from Spain. -Asociación Nacional de Audioprotesistas (National Association of Hearing Aid Makers), from Spain. -Federación Argentina de Enfermería (Argentinian Federation of Nursing) And others. In 2009, we were awarded the Premio Almediam (Almediam Award) to the best portal of science and technology. Among the people and institutions awarded within other modalities in that edition of the Premios Almediam, we can find Greenpeace (in the modality of Best Labour For The Defence Of The Environment), the Galician collective "Pallasos en Rebeldía" (-Clowns in Rebelliousness-, in the modality Best Solidarity Portal) and Rebelion.org (in the modality Best Free Thinking Portal). In NCYT we have always aimed at supporting renewable energies, popularizing any advances or new ideas arising in this sector. Today, solar energy and wind energy are about to start substituting for fossil fuels, and to make nuclear power plants unnecessary in numerous parts of the world, something that was thought to be unattainable when we founded Amazings.com. We have also paid a special attention to popularizing news on the environment, from those related to climate change to those referring to biodiversity, to the problems of endangered species, environmental pollution and other topics. In 2010, we were awarded the distinction of Recommended Website by the Digital Committee of the National Library of Chile. Among the other 6 recommended webs that year, is also found, for example, the one by the Royal Society (the scientific society with the longest continued existence all over the world, founded in 1660, and amongst whose members we can find some well-known scientists such as Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein). On February 2011, we reinforced our domain Amazings.com with the domain Noticiasdelaciencia.com. That allowed us to upgrade NCYT without having to stop Amazings.com temporarily, nor face the technical difficulties of having to combine pages of very different technical, and in some cases incompatible, designs. In Amazings.com, we offer a selection of our most remarkable, current issues in the week, and the easy access, in the format of headlines ordered by topic and updated in real time, to all our most recent contents, which include articles, interviews, book reviews and recommendations on the most interesting articles of the best science blogs in Spanish. In Noticiasdelaciencia.com, we offer the same contents, but in newspaper format. A part of the newspaper archives is found in Amazings.com and the other is in Noticiasdelaciencia.com. The section of daily bulletins is in Amazings.com. Other sections also are distributed between both webs. Since 2011, a selection of our best articles is published in our magazine Amazings (ISSN 2014-5047), available online in our web Amazings.com in PDF printable on paper. Likewise, our contents are accessible from other domains. Some of the articles in NCYT have been republished in the sections on scientific current affairs on webs or in paper magazines by scientific organizations. Some of these are: -Andalucía Investiga (Andalucia Researches) / Parque de las Ciencias (Science Park) of Granada (from Spain) -CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) (Superior Council of Scientific Research) from Spain -Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Ministry of Science and Technology) from Costa Rica -Fundacyt (Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología) (Foundation for Science and Technology) from Ecuador -Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Superior Council of Science and Technology) from Bolivia -Universidad Nacional Autónoma (Autonomous National University) from Mexico -Asociación Argentina para el Progreso de las Ciencias (Argentinian Association For the Progress of Sciences) (founded in 1933 by the Nobel Prize winner Bernardo A. Houssay and other public figures) -Museo de Historia de la Ciencia (Science History Museum) from Mexico -Red de Astronomía de Colombia (a Net of astronomical observatories from universities and other institutions, in Colombia) -Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (National Institute of Industrial Technology, Government of Argentina) -Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería Biomédica de la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (Center for the Research in Biomedic Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain) -Red de Telecentros Rurales de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería y el Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Capacitación de Telecomunicaciones (Net of Rural Telecenters, National University of Engineering and National Institute for Research and Training in Telecommunications, Government of Peru) -Revista de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Journal of Medicine from the Department of the National University, Colombia) -Centro de Ciencias Ambientales EULA-Chile (Universidad de Concepción, en Chile) (Center for the Environmental Sciences EULA-Chile, University of Concepcion, from Chile) -Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, del Ministerio venezolano de Ciencia, Tecnología e Industrias Intermedias (Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, Venezuelan Ministry for Science, Technology and Intermediate Industry) -Consejo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado de Tabasco (Council Of Science and Technology of Tabasco State, Mexico) -Laboratorio de Ensayos Biológicos (LEBi) de la Universidad de Costa Rica (Laboratory of Biological Assays (LEBi), University of Costa Rica) -Feria de Ciencias de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Science Fair, Autonomous Metropolitan University, from Mexico) -Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones de la Universidad del Cauca, Colombia (research department from the University of Cauca, Colombia) -ConCIENCIA, revista científica de la Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (ConCIENCIA, science magazine from the Department of Science and Technology, National University of the Coast, Argentina) -Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia (Colombian Association for the Advancement of Science) -En CortoCircuito, revista de la Escuela de Electrónica y Comunicaciones de la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (In Short Circuit, magazine from the School of Electronics and Communications, Technical University from Loja, Ecuador) -Visión Politécnica, revista de la Universidad Politécnica de Puebla (Polytechnic Vision, magazine from the Polytechnic University of Puebla, Mexico) -Escuela de Ciencias del Envejecimiento, de la Universidad Maimónides en Buenos Aires (School of Aging Science, from the University Maimonides, Buenos Aires, Argentina) -Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (Major University of San Andres, Bolivia) -Institutos Multidisciplinarios de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Multidisciplinary Institutes from the National University of Cuyo, Argentina) -Colegio de Michoacán (College of Michoacan, Mexico) -Escuela de Historia, de la Universidad de Costa Rica (School of History, University of Costa Rica) -Oficina Nacional de Meterología del Gobierno de la República Dominicana (National Meteorological Office, Government of the Dominican Republic) -Sociedad Genética de Chile (Genetic Society of Chile) (founded in 1964) -Red Académica Electrónica del Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) (Academic Net of the Latinoamerican Council for Social Sciences, CLACSO (an international non-governmental institution created in 1967 which is in formal consulting relations with the UNESCO) -Museo de Historia Natural y Cultura Ambiental (Museum of Natural History and Environmental Culture, from the Department for the Environment, Government of Mexico) -Periódico Lazos de la Red Mayor (a newspaper devoted to older people, published by the University and Foundation ISalud, in Argentina, awarded with the Prize Galena de Oro (Golden Galena) in 2004, 2005, 2006 and2007, and the Premio Caduceo (Caduceo Award) in 2004) Some of the books where NCYT is mentioned, include the following: -La Física y la Química en Secundaria (Physics and Chemistry in Secondary Education). María Jesús Martín Díaz, Miguel Ángel Gómez Crespo, M. Sagrario Gutiérrez Julián. Narcea Ediciones, 2000. Spain. 261 pages. ISBN 84-277-1277-4. -Senderos De La Evolución Humana (Paths Of Human Evolution). Camilo José Cela Conde / Francisco J. Ayala. Alianza Editorial, 2001 / 2003 / 2005. Spain. 632 pages. ISBN 978-84-206-6782-9. -Advances In Systems, Computing Sciences And Software Engineering. Tarek M. Sobh, Khaled Elleithy (editors). Springer, 2006. Netherlands. 437 pages. ISBN 978-1-4020-5262-0. -Ecología Tropical. (Tropical Ecology), by a Miguel Ángel Mejía Acevedo, a professor in the Department of d Biology in the National University of Colombia). Ecoe Ediciones, 2004 / 2007. Colombia. 74 pages. ISBN 978-958-648-495-4. -Del Hogar Digital a la Casa Red (From The Digital Home To The Net Home). Elena Jorge Sierra (professor with the Sociology Department from the University of Alicante, Spain). 2008. Spain. 254 pages. ISBN 978-1-4092-0394-0. Some of the scholarly magazines where NCYT is mentioned, include: -Buran, published by the department of Telecommunications Engineering in Barcelona, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. ISSN 1698-7047. First reference: In 1998. -Ciencia UANL, science and technology magazine published by the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. ISSN: 2007-1175. First reference: In 2001. -Revista Galega do Ensino (Galician Journal of Teaching), Published by the Xunta de Galicia (Autonomous Government of Galicia, Spain). ISSN: 1133-911X. First reference: In 2003. -Temas de Ciencia y Tecnología (Topics of Science and Technology). Journal published by the Technological University of Mixteca, Mexico. ISSN: 2007-0977. First reference: In 2003. -Butlletin ANABAD (Spanish Confederation for Associations of Archivists, Librarians, Museologists and Documentalists). ISSN: 0210-4164. First reference: In 2004. -Rhombus, published by the Latinoamerican University of Science and Technology (ULACIT) from San Jose, Costa Rica. ISSN 1659-1623. First reference: In 2006. -Nodo, published by the University Antonio Nariño, Colombia. ISSN 1909-3888. First reference: In 2008. -Hypatia, science and technology magazine published by the State of Morelos, Mexico. First reference: In 2008. -PuntoSur, published by the Seminar of Digital Journalism, Department of Social Sciences, National University of Lomas de Zamora, Argentina. ISSN 1853-4120. First reference: In 2010. -Revista Mexicana de Geoenergía (Mexican Journal of Geoenergy), published by the Office of Geothermoelectric Projects from the Federal Commission for Electricity, Government of Mexico. ISSN 0186-5897. First reference: In 2010. -Butlletin of the National Center for Chemical Technology, from the Ministry for Science, Technology and Intermediate Industry, Venezuela. First reference: In 2011. -Furthermore, references in several science articles on Wikipedia, since 2007. Some of the lectures, research papers and doctoral theses where NCYT is mentioned, include: -Periodismo científico en el ciberespacio: la información académica al encuentro de la tecnología digital (Science Journalism in cyberspace, the rendezvous of academic information with digital technology). Koldobika Meso Ayerdi y Javier Díaz Noci. University of the Basque Country, Spain. 1999 / 2002. -La Estación Espacial en el Siglo XXI (The Space Station in the 21st. Century). Oscar Castro Betancor and Lucía Castro Fernández. University of Vigo, Spain. 2004. -Mathematical Model of a Levitation System Based on Eddy Currents. Alexander González C., Rodrigo Martines Díaz y Eisenover Cabal. Industrial Electronics and Control Applications, ICIECA, 2005. © 2005 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, international organization with headquarters in the United States) -Estudio de la estructura y energías de los nanoclusters de Aun(n = 4 - 16) mediante el método de dinámica molecular (Study of the structure and energies of nanoclusters Aun(n = 4 - 16) using the molecular dynamics method. Luisa Dominga Karina Barturén Huamán. Department of Physics, Major National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru. 2005. -Las nuevas tecnologías al servicio de los mayores (The new technologies at the service of older people). Domingo Soláns Campo / Raul Marín Prades. University Jaime I, Castellon, Spain. 2005. -Fisiología del Ejercicio en el Espacio (Physiology of Exercise in Space). Susana Chavarría González. National University of Costa Rica. 2006. -Enigmas de la naturaleza: Las luces asociadas al terremoto de Pisco (Peru) del 15 de Agosto de 2007 (Enigmas from Nature: The lights associated to the earthquake in Pisco, Peru, on August 15th, 2007. Isabel Bernal, Hernando Tavera y Bilha Herrera, from the Geophysics Institute of Peru, Office of seismology - National Center for Geophysics Data, Government of Peru. 2008. -Assessment and feedback in an oral presentations module. Marga Menendez-Lopez. University of Surrey, United Kingdom. 2009. -Metallic glasses and its aeronautical applications. Sebastian-Luis Elkan Chajkin / Daniel Crespo Artiaga. Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. 2009. -Impacto en la Matriz Energética de Guatemala debido a la Generación de Energía Eólica (Impact in the energy matrix of Guatemala due to the wind energy generation). Carlos Aníbal Chicojay Coloma, Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. 2010. (Department of Engineering, University of San Carlos de Guatemala) -Desarrollo de un marco metodológico para jerarquizar variables incidentales en ambientes nocivos intraurbanos (Development of a methodological framework to organize incidental variables in noxius intraurban environments. Francisca Ianiszewski Buxton, landscape ecologist. Center for Urban, Architectonic and Landscape Studies, Central University of Chile. 2010. -Avances Tecnológicos, ventajas y desventajas en la sociedad y el mundo entero (Technological advances, advantages and drawbacks in society and worldwide). José Roberto Alegría Coto, Head of the Department for Development in Science and Technology, National Council for Science and Technology, from El Salvador. 2011. There are official learning materials which include references to some of our webs of NCYT, so that the students use our articles as texts for their work. Some of the publishers or responsible institutions are: -The Macmillan Group in Mexico (a company which belongs to the same editorial group that publishes the prestigious scholarly scientific magazine Nature) -The Santillana Group in Argentina. -Institute for Educative Technologies, Ministry for Education, Spain. -Edutic, Technologies for Information and Communication, University of Alicante, Spain. -Peru Educa, the National Education Portal, by the Ministry for Education from Peru. -Education Portal by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla - La Mancha (Autonomous Government of Castilla - La Mancha), Spain. -Technological Institute of Toluca, Mexico. -Program for the Integration of Information and Communication Technologies for Teaching, University of Antioquia, Colombia. -Department of physics, University of La Serena, Chile. -School Ignacio Domeyko for Industry and Mines, Chile. -Our texts are also used on a blog by students of the University of Vigo in Spain as a complement to their assessment in the subjects of Industrial Microbiology, Molecular Genetics, and Cellular Biology. -Moreover, it is quite usual that in Secondary Education Institutes from Spain, Mexico, Argentina and other countries, articles by NCYT are used as a working and debating material for the students. The people who make NCYT Popularizing the day-to-day scientific and technological progress is a fascinating experience for those of us who make the team behind NCYT, but it also is a very painstaking task, since we do not limit ourselves to consulting what others write in magazines, webs or blogs, but rather we always get to the sources. We always work with first-hand information. We select the most interesting issues from the many press releases daily published by scientific institutions, we translate, we summarize, we write, we reshape and we often add our own explanations and comments additional to the information of the piece of news. We share our work according to our personal technical specialties, for each one of us. (Biochemists take care of news related to Biochemistry; engineers are in charge of issues related to Engineering, and so forth, for the other general issues). Furthermore, another two people make an independent, additional revision of each text, comparing it with the information from which it was developed. In this way, we make sure we are giving the most exacting scientific informative rigour to our articles. Our professional zeal is such, that we have sometimes detected technical errors in press releases published by scientific institutions, like for example a well-known US lab, and it has been us the ones who have warned those institutions so that they could correct their error. Besides taking care of the scientific rigour of our articles, we try to make our articles easy to understand, even for a non-specialised public, as well as making them entertaining. The revision of style is made by two writers who have already published books on popularization of science and also have been awarded several literary prizes. Part of the graphic material we publish is made by us and includes photography, computer graphics and artistic images. We currently have three people in charge of the graphic design department. The people cited next have made Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnología possible, by writing articles, providing translations, revising texts or cooperating in other ways: Manuel Montes Palacio, Writer and Scientific Journalist Jorge Munnshe, Writer and Scientific Journalist http://www.jorgemunnshe.com Germán Mendoza Silva, Computer Scientist Jorge Oscar Franchin, Electronic & Mechanic Engineer, and Computer Programmer Ariel Rodriguez, Computer Scientist Néstor E. Rivero Jaspe, Chemist, also specialised in Environmental Sciences. Roger Rolando Rivero Jaspe, Meteorologist Jorge Alberto Fernández Vargas, Biochemist Luciano Dayan, Psychologist Alfonso Díaz, Scientific Journalist Edgardo Maffía, Electronic Engineer and Expert in Aeronautics José Luis Sandoval, Chemist Adriana Casabella, Biochemist and Pharmacist Michel J. Aguilar, Industrial Designer Carla Risso, Biotechnologist Juan Carlos Márquez, Specialized in Computer Sciences William Martínez Cortés, Computer Scientist Gerardo Ocariz, Scientific Journalist Gustavo Ac, Computer Scientist Carolina Gigena, Computer Scientist Federico Pértile, Engineer in Computer Science and Information Systems Manuel Soltero, Electronics and Mechanics Engineering Lautaro Simontacchi, Astronomer Claudio Ariel Martinetti-Montanari, Engineer and Linguist Ricardo López Acero, Biologist and Chemist Francisco Ponce, Engineer in Geophysics Montserrat Andreu Marín, Philologist and linguist Gloria García Cuadrado, Physicist, specialized in the Space Sciences Daniel González Alonso, Graphic Designer Ramón Oria Francisco Javier Morón Hesslin Gerardo Sanz, Drawer Germán Muñoz (From Dinófilos) Federico García del Real Viudes Ricardo Miró, mathematician We also want to express our gratitude to: Carmen Morales Durán, Astrophysicist Gregori Vázquez, Telecommunications Engineer Juan De Dalmau, Mechanic Engineer, Specialized in the Aerospace Industry Miguel Ángel Yagüe, Engineer of Automatic Systems David Miller,Roboticist Robert Moog, Electronic Engineer of Musical Instruments and Pioneer in Synthesizers Oleg Atkov, Cosmonaut Jeffrey Hoffman, Astronaut Mikhail Marov, Physicist Catherine Casgrain, Engineer Scott Madry, Expert on Systems of Geographic Information Jim Newman, Astronaut Ram Jakhu, Expert in Air and Space Law Brand Griffin, Space Engineer Almudena Ramón Cueto, Pioneer in Neural Regeneration Through Enveloping Olfactory Glia Ricardo Vergaz Benito, Physicist and Electronic Engineer Carles Lalueza-Fox, Expert in Ancient DNA Bertha Gutiérrez Rodilla, Science Historian Alejandro García-Alonso, Pioneer in the Generation of Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality José J. Martínez Díaz, Geologist Ana Rosa Gómez Cano, Palaeontologist Pablo Gutiérrez Marqués, an engineer in the astronautics sector Ricardo Prego Reboredo, an expert in marine biogeochemistry Myriam Seco Álvarez, an archaeologist and Egyptologist Note from August 2010: From Amazings.com and our other websites we wish to make it known to all our readers, sponsors, advertisers, mass media, journalists and publishing groups to which we provide scientific contents that the recently created website Amazings.es (a domain registered in 2010), also aimed at scientific popularization, is in no way related to us. Note from May 2012: From Amazings, we wish to make it known to all our readers, sponsors, advertisers, mass media, journalists and publishing groups to which we provide scientific contents that the company Amazings Divulgación S.L., working since 2012, also aimed at scientific popularization, is in no way related to our trademark Amazings. |
Amazings - Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (NCYT)
Depósito Legal B-47398-2009
ISSN 2013-6714
Copyright © 1995-2014 Amazings.com / Amazings® / NCYT®.
Amazings and NCYT are registered trademarks / Amazings y NCYT son marcas registradas.
Amazings.com y Noticiasdelaciencia.com son las webs oficiales de Amazings.
los textos y gráficos son propiedad de sus autores.
Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial por cualquier medio sin consentimiento previo por escrito.
Logos originales por Gloria García Cuadrado y Daniel González Alonso, 1998